Invigorating Recipes, Mental Spring Cleaning, 2 Minute Tricks for a Healthier You

Dave and Cindy discuss the show's new blog and website, juicing, two-minute tricks to improve your health, 8 simple steps to a happy home, The Great and Powerful Oz, road-tripping, and much more on today's show ! Make up the the perfect juice recipes below, follow Dave's two-minute tricks that will seriously boost your health, and review Cindy's 8 simple steps to a house that will make you happy...

Juices now only jump start your day but are great for your every day health, so go to the grocery store, be creative, and juice ! 

The Cabbage Patch
2 cups of purple cabbage
3 ribs of celery
1/2 small lemon (rind and all if organic)
2 cups of pear 
"Cabbage is a great cleanser and healer to the digestive tract and is often neglected in the world of juicing," Brooks said. Show cabbage and your body some love with this purple juice. 
Yes, These Are My Natural Melons
2 apples
1/2 cantaloupe
1/2 honeydew
6–8 leaves kale
6–8 leaves Swiss chard
3 sprigs of mint 
The melon from these recipe provides fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, iron, and more. "This juice is so good, you'll think you'll have to give it up for  
Enemas: A Love Story
1 head of celery
1 cucumber
2–3 large leaves kale
1 cup dandelion greens
1 lemon, peeled
1 tbsp fresh ginger
1/2 cup pea sprout
1 cup parsley
1 cup cilantro
2 Asian pears
1 drop liquid cayenne
 This juice will give your intestinal tract a little nudge. The cayenne goes to work to help eliminate, um, waste while the chlorophyll-rich vegetables are great for your skin and hair. 

Two-minute tricks that seriously boost your health

Spice up your water. Take a tip from the spa and add a little something extra help relax and alkalize your water. Try making a pitcher of filtered fresh raspberries and lime slices or throwing cucumber and spearmint leaves into your glass of water for a little healthy Zen-on-the-go. Basil, rosemary, mint, cayenne pepper are all great additions to water!

Do planks: “A strong core is the foundation of a fit, health body,” says David Kirsch, celebrity trainer, and this is the number one move for it. Try a set of planks for a couple of minutes before getting into the shower every morning. Dave and Cindy recommend building up a tolerance to planks and timing yourself to see your daily progress.

Dry brush: Something Cindy has done regularly for a very long time, take two minutes of dry brushing your body before a shower increases circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system (which moves toxins out of the body), makes your skin glow, and even helps tone and firm your legs and tush. Cindy says to begin with your feet, brushing your skin in a light, circular motion, upwards along the body, and then hop in the shower. Dry brushing is a great way to exfoliate also.

Look at your plate before diving in: Visually take in your food before you start eating really helps you savor your meal and slow down. Dave says: enjoy it before you eat it! Taking a minute to just look, observe, and appreciate your meal helps you realize you are full before overeating; Cindy calls this mindful eating

Meditation: With all the hustle and bustle its good to take the two minutes and meditate. Take a moment, focus on something, let your mind wander, and all of a sudden clarity will come. It is not something Dave does consciously, don't pressure yourself, just take a moment to let your mind wander for a couple minutes. What works best for Cindy is her daily morning-meditation reading her book Co Dependent No More, 24 Hours, or her Daily Word App; Cindy's morning meditation involves a reading and prayer, she does not clear her mind but she does give herself a couple of minutes to have that spiritual moment. “Meditation helps to reduce stress at the most basic level,” says Jeff Cannon, author of The Simple Truth: Meditation for the Modern World“At a deeper level, it leads to a happier, healthier, and more successful life." 

Floss: Take two minutes to floss and you will help a lot more than your teeth. Flossing prevents a lot of health problems, “there are many studies that link gum disease to heart disease,” said Dr. Michelle Katz and Dr. Jeffrey Rappaport, creators of the chic Lavaan Dental Spa in Manhattan. 

Tis' the season for Spring cleaning! 
Cindy discusses mental cleaning with
8 simple steps to a house that will make you happy!

1. Assess your home. Step back and be a neutral observer: what is in there that you love and what is just taking up space? only have things in your home that you LOVE. 
2.  Release. Get rid of anything that gives you unpleasant emotions.
3. Cleanse. 
4. Dream. You've now released the past, get inspired and look forward to the future.
5. Discover. 
6. Create. Re arrange the furniture
7. Elevate. Bring some nice music, candles in to the house.
8. Celebrate. Celebrate your home, your life, your family, you friends. Clean up your space and celebrate the space.

Additional Two-minute tricks:

Add turmeric to your cooking: There are many benefits of turmeric, an inflammation-fighting spice, including powerful antioxidants that help fight certain types of cancers, as well as arthritis, psoriasis, and Alzheimer’s. Studies have proven that turmeric helps reduce the damage done by enjoying high-fat meals, so sprinkle turmeric on everything...

Neck and shoulder release: Dr. Frank Lipman, the physician-founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, loves to prescribe a tennis ball massage for work- and workout-aholics. It prevents adhesions and pain in the neck and shoulders where most people have it. Lie on your back, knees up, and place two tennis balls side-by-side at the top of your shoulder blades. Lift your arms to the ceiling, then move them slowly toward the knees, then toward the wall behind you.

Hang from a stall bar. A popular technique associated with barre workouts is to hang from a stall bar. Natasha Attal, social media manager for Physique 57, says that two minutes of the stall bar can help reduce lower back pain and yield better posture.

And a final note from Cindy - Think progress NOT perfection

written by Alexis CorryL+L Designs


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