The Dave & Cindy Show is an amazingly original radio show with the ultimate personality blend of hosts David Busch and Cindy O'Dare.
Based in Vero Beach, Florida, the Dave and Cindy Show focuses on design, style, food, travel, and everything in between. Each show's topic generates positive vibes, energy, and inspiration - in the studio and outside to the listeners.
Based in Vero Beach, Florida, the Dave and Cindy Show focuses on design, style, food, travel, and everything in between. Each show's topic generates positive vibes, energy, and inspiration - in the studio and outside to the listeners.
The Dave and Cindy Show airs every Friday from 3PM to 4PM on on WAXE 107.9 FM and I HEART RADIO, and now the shows will be available here on the blog for you to listen incase you miss it live!
A little bit about Dave and Cindy...
David Busch
David Busch, originally from Saint Louis, Missouri, currently resides in Vero Beach, Florida. Member of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty, Dave has had the privilege of spending parts of his childhood on his grandfather's private zoo in St. Louis, surrounded by over 300 animals including elephants, chimpanzees, and kangaroos, thus influencing David's avid appreciation for wildlife.
Dave is a creative consultant amongst pursuing many passions, including farming, cooking, design, and hosting his radio show. David presently part takes in his father's wildlife sanctuary venture in Jupiter, FL, which rehabilitates and release over 6,000 wild animals; as a result Dave raises screech owls in his kitchen.
David Busch, originally from Saint Louis, Missouri, currently resides in Vero Beach, Florida. Member of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty, Dave has had the privilege of spending parts of his childhood on his grandfather's private zoo in St. Louis, surrounded by over 300 animals including elephants, chimpanzees, and kangaroos, thus influencing David's avid appreciation for wildlife.
Dave is a creative consultant amongst pursuing many passions, including farming, cooking, design, and hosting his radio show. David presently part takes in his father's wildlife sanctuary venture in Jupiter, FL, which rehabilitates and release over 6,000 wild animals; as a result Dave raises screech owls in his kitchen.
Cindy O'Dare
Cindy O'Dare is a luxury real estate agent in Vero Beach, Florida, and co-host of The Dave & Cindy Show. Cindy is a third-generation native of South Florida and has had over 28 years of experience in the real estate industry, making her quite the lux-real-estate expert.
Cindy also has an interesting work history in the entertainment industry, Dave describes Cindy as "a rocker chick from the 70s"; and as a result Cindy has housed rock bands such as the BeeGees, the Eagles, and Eric Clapton in Miami.
After a few years of being on the air, Dave and Cindy wish to expand their talk show to those who are not able to listen in every Friday at 3pm, and our blog is where we will take our listeners inside the show with all the nitty-gritty details including access to each recording.
Listen to the Dave & Cindy Show Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00PM on WAXE 107.9 FM, and incase you are not local listen to Dave and Cindy on I HEART RADIO...You never know what they will be chatting about but guarantee pure entertainment, great laughs, and life changing tips!
Familiarize yourself with the Dave & Cindy Show Blog for all the details on upcoming, past, and present shows - and much, much more!
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