Dave & Cindy discuss how to develop that natural charm yourself!
We all know charming people, we've all met charming people. Charm has to be sincere, it has to be genuine... you can't have a big ego. There are people who can charm you in a good way, but there are also people who can charm you in a bad way, so we are going to focus on the positive charm.
What do you consider to be charming? What are the characteristics of a charming person? Someone that pays attention to you, locks in to a conversation and is not distracted by any one or any thing, someone who makes you feel special. It is wonderful when people remember your name -- this is also a key to success. Everybody wants to feel like they've been heard: you've listened, and validated what they said.
Mark Ford's 5 very simple ways to charm anyone:
- Show acceptance -- the greatest gift you can give to others is the attitude of unconditional positive regard; you have to go in to anything without judgement... give people the thought process that you are understanding what they are saying, you are listening, giving them your attention, and through that people are going to be drawn to you
- Show admiration -- after you've warmed up your charm by giving your charm victim that accepting smile, boost his self esteem by telling them that you admire them: everyone likes a (genuine) compliment!
- Showing approval can make you charming -- throughout life all humans need a deep and unconscious need for approval of their actions and accomplishments; people never grow tired of compliments as long as they are sincere, we all want to be validated with what we are doing and with that we are able to grow; it is empowering !
- Show appreciation -- when someone does something nice make eye contact and say thank you.
- Give attention -- the most important arrow, when you pay close attention to people the more valuable and important they feel, and the more valuable and important they will feel and the more they will like you.
Cindy discusses how charming Tony Robbins is and how special Making people feel special, making people feel like they can do anything, that is his gift!
If you want to exude charm you have to exude it in any situation, whether you happy, frustrated, angry, etc. if you can remember that, Dave & Cindy believe you can really go far. "I'd rather be happy than right" Cindy. Take the high road and therefore you will be known for your charm; be a grateful person.
Charm = Good Manners.
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